Am I That Mom? Are You?

Taylor Michael
4 min readOct 6, 2022

Truth be told, we all know what is meant by that term. “Oh she’s one of those mom’s.” We hear it and it makes us so mad. But stop for a moment and think about what it means to be that mom. The mom who tries to shield her kids away from the world. The mom who is scared to let the generational curse of her family scar her kid/s. Or the mom who believes that her kid/s can do absolutely nothing wrong.

Now think about where you want your kids to be in life when they go out into the big wide world. Think about what you want them to know about themselves and where they come from. Think about all that this world is and ask yourself a question… “when my kids go out there, are they going to be ok?”

Every parent wishes for that what we can’t have. Knowledge of the future. But it’s not something that we can attain. Knowledge comes with time. Not before it. And while it is a noble want, do your ends justify your means?

What I mean by this is really simple. We all want our kids to be successful and productive in their lives but are we giving them the right tools to do so? Are we teaching them how to cope with the feelings that seem to burst out of them at every let down? Are we teaching them how to solve the problems in a way that is constructive rather than destructive? Are we teaching them kindness and humility, or pride and arrogance?



Taylor Michael

Just a mom. Learning how to love herself and how to do what I love with my writings.